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Terrific issue on the Hindenburg tragedy...
Terrific issue on the Hindenburg tragedy...
Item # 698116
May 07, 1937
* Hindenburg airship disaster
* Lakehurst NJ New Jersey
* Great headline for display
One of the very best, dramatic banner headlines we have offered on this historic catastrophe: "DIRIGIBLE HINDENBURG EXPLODES, 90 KILLED". A large front page photo shows the Hindenburg over the New York skyline, headed: "Giant Airliner That Fell in Flames", with the subhead noting: Airship Falls At Lakehurst".
This is one of the more displayable issues on the Hindenburg we have offered. Page 3 is mostly taken up with 4 large photos on the tragedy with banner headlines: "Death Rides Out Of Sky!" and "Sky Ship on Which Hundred Died" with other headlines as well.
This is the complete first section (of 2) with 20 pages, a few very minor repairs to the front leaf, very nice, clean condition.
Category: The 20th Century