Aviation & Flight
Aviation & Flight
Period reference to the Great Plague in Europe...
Item #679630
September 27, 1666
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Sept. 27, 1666
* Earliest of newspapers to be had
* Rare "The Great Plague" report
This is the oldest continually published English language newspaper in the world, having begun in 1665 and is still printing today. Obviously this is a very early issue, being issue #90.
This was the time of the Great Plague which was ravishing much of Europe, Eng... See More
America's first war...
Item #689643
August 16, 1675
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Aug. 16, 1675
* King Philip's War - Metacomet
* New England Colonists vs. Indians
* First war in America (historic)
The back page has a report concerning King Philip's War, an armed conflict between Native American inhabitants of present-day New England and English colonists.
The significance of what is known as "King Philip's War" ... See More
King Philip's War: the first war in America...
Item #682795
August 19, 1675
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, August 19, 1675
* King Philip's War - Metacomet
* New England Colonists vs. Indians
* First war in America (historic)
The significance of what is known as "King Philip's War" is lost with most Americans, but the event cannot be over-stated. This was America's first war, and the only newspaper in existence to report it was this title.... See More
Protestants versus the Catholics...
Item #685421
January 03, 1682
THE IMPARTIAL PROTESTANT MERCURY, London, England, Jan. 3, 1681/2
* Rare 17th century publication
* Protestants versus the Catholics
This single-sheet newspaper is a fascinating paper published during this time of struggle between Catholics and Protestants in government.
News is entirely from England & Scotland, with most of a column taken up with advertisements.
Complete as a ... See More
Protestants versus the Catholics...
Item #685420
February 17, 1682
THE IMPARTIAL PROTESTANT MERCURY, London, England, Feb. 17, 1681/2 This single-sheet newspaper is a fascinating paper published during this time of struggle between Catholics and Protestants in government.
News is entirely from England, with over half of the back page taken up with advertisements.
Complete as a single sheet issue, wide, never-trimmed margins, 8 by 11 3/4 inches, nice condi... See More
Over 330 years old...
Item #649262
THE ATHENIAN MERCURY by John Dunton, London, England, 1692-1694. This was a fine gentleman's newspaper which was very popular in the coffeehouses of early England. Interesting reading on a wide range of topics & one of the earliest periodicals in English. Partially in question/answer format. This newspaper was published before any American newspapers even existed.A single sheet newspaper... See More
Over 325 years old...
Item #120350
THE ATHENIAN MERCURY by John Dunton, London, England, 1692-1694. This was a fine gentleman's newspaper which was very popular in the coffeehouses of early England. Interesting reading on a wide range of topics & one of the earliest periodicals in English. Partially in question/answer format. This newspaper was published before any American newspapers even existed. A single sheet newspaper ... See More
Very first of the advice column newspapers...
Item #704656
February 23, 1692
THE ATHENIAN MERCURY, London, Feb. 23, 1692 This was the very first of the "agony aunt" newspapers, a newspaper providing personal advice to its readers.
In creating this format of responding to questions from readers, the publisher, John Dunton, did so as a result of feeling guilty for cheating on his wife. He thought that people like himself might appreciate confiding in a stran... See More
Very first of the advice column newspapers...
Item #697414
March 05, 1692
THE ATHENIAN MERCURY, London, March 5, 1692
* Rare 17th century publication
This was the very first of the "agony aunt" newspapers, a newspaper providing personal advice to its readers.
In creating this format of responding to questions from readers, the publisher, John Dunton, did so as a result of feeling guilty for cheating on his wife. He thought that people like himself... See More
John Marshall, a pioneer in the world of spectacles & optics...
Item #698987
November 19, 1692
THE ATHENIAN MERCURY, London, Nov. 19, 1692
* Rare 17th century publication
* Early optician, John Marshall ad
One of just four advertisements on the back page is a quite lengthy & descriptive ad beginning: "At the sign of the Archimedes and Spectacles in Ludgate street, the West End of St. Paul's Church, London, by John Marshal are made all manner of prospective glasses... See More
One of the earliest newspapers from the colonies...
Item #710010
May 15, 1735
THE AMERICAN WEEKLY MERCURY, Philadelphia, May 15, 1735
* Among the earliest of American newspapers
* Very early & rare colonial publication
As any serious collector of newspapers knows, it is exceedingly difficult to find any colonial American newspapers from before 1760, let alone an issue from 1735. It began in 1719 and only published through 1749. It was the very first newspa... See More
Exploring the vicinity of Alaska...
Item #689611
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, March, 1754
Perhaps the most interesting item is a very nice, detailed article titled: "Some Account of a Chart lately published by M. de l Isle, with the different Conjectures and Opinions it has produced; from a Tract called, A Letter from a Russian Sea Officer to a Person of Distinction at Petersborough, &c."
This artic
... See More
Perhaps the most interesting item is a very nice, detailed article titled: "Some Account of a Chart lately published by M. de l Isle, with the different Conjectures and Opinions it has produced; from a Tract called, A Letter from a Russian Sea Officer to a Person of Distinction at Petersborough, &c."
This artic
England to build settlements west of the Allegany Mountains...
Item #700807
October 26, 1767
THE NORTHAMPTON MERCURY, England, Oct. 26, 1767 The front page has one bit noting: "...that the government, seeing the great advantages which may arise from the forming a settlement beyond the mountains in North America, have resolved on establishing a colony on the forks of the Ohio, in the country of the Illinois, which lies between the 36 and 37 degrees of Northern Latitude. We hear ... See More
News from Charleston & Boston: naval concerns, hopes for a peace among the Indians...
Item #700801
December 09, 1771
THE NORTHAMPTON MERCURY, England, Dec. 9, 1771 Page 3 has reports headed: "America" with datelines from Charleston and Boston. Bits include: "...a chief of the Mohawk Tribe of Indiana...arrived in town & have had several conferences with...Lieutenant Governor...to make a general peace between the Six Nations & all the tribes inhabiting from the Ohio to the Chicasahs...... See More
From Northampton, England, before the Revolutionary War...
Item #208963
THE NORTHAMPTON MERCURY, England, 1772 This is a very nice, folio-size newspaper of four pages which was never bound nor trimmed with uncommonly wide margins. This is also the first 18th century newspaper we have been able to offer from this part of England. The issue contains various news from throughout Europe with an emphasis on British events with the back page mostly taken up with ads. We do ... See More
One of the more rare Revolutionary War titles... Battle of Bunker Hill... Patrick Henry... so much more...
Item #687318
October 06, 1775
* Battle of Bunker Hill
* Revolutionary War
* Very rare publication
Certainly one of the more scarce titles from during the Revolutionary War. This is the volume 1 number 27 issue of a newspaper that existed only from April 7 to December 22, 1775, publishing a total of just 38 i... See More
Great map showing North America... On taxing America without their consent...
Item #682287
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1776 The prime feature of this issue is the great map showing all of the western hemisphere titled: "A New Projection of the Western Hemisphere of the Earth on a Plane shewing the proportions of its several parts nearly as on a Globe, By J. Hardy, at Eton College." The map is dated at the bottom: "by F. Newbery, Ludgat
... See More
Great map showing North America... On taxing America without their consent...
Item #677981
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1776 The prime feature of this issue is the great map showing all of the western hemisphere titled: "A New Projection of the Western Hemisphere of the Earth on a Plane shewing the proportions of its several parts nearly as on a Globe, By J. Hardy, at Eton College."
The map is dated at the bottom: "by F. Newbery, Ludg
... See More
The map is dated at the bottom: "by F. Newbery, Ludg
Letter from Washington to Hancock, and more...
Item #700618
August 16, 1780
RUDDIMAN'S WEEKLY MERCURY, Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug. 16, 1780
* American Revolutionary War era
* From the enemy original
* George Washington letter to John Hancock
Most of the front page and all of page 2 are taken up with a report headed: "America" including a lengthy "Speech of...the Gov. of Georgia to the General Assembly..." with a pro-British theme.
Port... See More
On Washington's attempt to drive out Sir Henry Clinton...
Item #701156
November 03, 1780
CALEDONIAN MERCURY, Edinburgh, Scotland, Nov. 3, 1779 Inside has several items on the Revolutionary War including: "...that the Congress, after every effort to put a sufficient force under General Washington's command to drive Sir Henry Clinton from that continent, came to the violent measure off issue an edict for pressing certain descriptions of men, which upon the neck of some se... See More
If England would agree to the independence of America...
Item #591619
November 16, 1780
THE GLASGOW MERCURY, Scotland, Nov. 16, 1780
* Independence of America question
* Revolutionary War
A quote from the House of Commons report notes: "...He had said that if Parliament would agree to acknowledge the independence of America, we might begin a treaty to-morrow...Lord George Germaine said...that if we were inclined to acknowledge the independence of America, we might b... See More
Revolutionary War pay document...
Item #700668
August 21, 1781
A partially hand-written Revolutionary War pay document headed: "State of Connecticut. Pay Table Office". It notes in part: "Sir: Pay Mr. Abraham Shepard Two Pounds fifteen shillings ...and charge the state..." dated at the top: October 24th, 1782, with two signatures.
Measures 6 1/2 by 5 3/4 inches, very nice condition. A nice item for display,
Some news concerning the treaty ending the Revolutionary War...
Item #598381
December 05, 1782
DREWRY'S DERBY MERCURY, England, Dec. 5, 1782
* Revolutionary War ending
Page 2 has a report concerning Guatemala which mentions: "Captain John Campbell of the Wanks River District, who had collected 150 able Negroes for the purpose of harassing the Spanish garrison..." with much more on this, & followed by the; "Articles of Capitulation proposed by Don Thomas Ju... See More
Portugal relaxes shipping restrictions due to the independence of America...
Item #623714
March 27, 1783
DREWRY'S DERBY MERCURY, England, March 27, 1783 Page 2 has an item from Lisbon reading: "Since the Declaration of American Independence on the part of Great Britain, the court of Lisbon have thought proper to withdraw their prohibitions against the entry of American vessels into their harbours & to publish an ordinance...'As the independence of the United States of American ... See More
Washington's Farewell Address to the army...
Item #701133
November 08, 1783
* General George Washington
* Farewell address to Continental Army
Taking over a full column on page 1 and a bit of page 2 is the historic document headed: "General Washington's Farewell Orders to the Armies of the United States" and datelined "Rocky Hill, near Princeton, Nov. 2, 1783&q... See More
1783 Washington's farewell orders to his Army... The treaty that ended the Revolutionary War...
Item #701554
December 01, 1783
* General George Washington
* Farewell address to Continental Army
* Post American Revolutionary War
Eighteenth century American magazines are increasingly difficult to find, let alone an issue from the Revolutionary War era.
This issue begins by printing the complete text of: "General Washington's Farewell Orders to the Armies of the Un... See More
Washington's historic farewell orders to the military...
Item #704612
January 06, 1784
THE EDINBURGH ADVRTISER, Scotland, Jan. 6, 1784 Certainly the most notable & historic content is the full text printing of: "General Washington's Farewell Orders to the Armies of the United States", a very historic & notable document datelined: "Rocky Hill, near Princetown, Nov. 2, 1783." It takes portions of both pages 2 and 3.
It reads in part: "...A c... See More
On one of the major pioneers in manned balloon flights...
Item #699738
January 06, 1785
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 6, 1785
* Early ballooning - aviation pioneer
* Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier
Page 5 has a paragraph on one of the pioneers of manned flight, noting: "The famous M. Pilastre de Rozier, after having in vain waited...for a favourable wind to waft him & his balloon to the British shore, has given up all thoughts of such an aeri... See More
The immigrant issue in America in 1787...
Item #682214
May 01, 1787
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1787 Included is a brief section headed: "American News" which references the end of the Shays' Rebellion in Massachusetts, and also mention that: "...from Philadelphia...that thirty thousand emigrants have arrived there since the war; that twenty thousand Germans and Dutch occupy a tract of 50 miles; and that grants have been made of... See More
18th century Scottish newspaper...
Item #208424
THE CALEDONIAN MERCURY, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1791 A nice newspapers from the late 1700's carrying various news of the day and a wealth of ads. The entire front page is taken up with ads, a few of which are illustrated. Nice engraving in the middle of the masthead showing the "mercury" figure. Folio size, complete in 4 pages, some scattered browning or foxing, generally in good condit... See More
Laying the cornerstone for the President's House, sort of...
Item #703561
May 26, 1792
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 26, 1792
* Philadelphia as the nation's capital (temporary)
* Future "White House" ? - Laying of the cornerstone
Page 3 has a somewhat inconspicuous report reading: "The following inscription is cut on the corner stone lately laid as the foundation of the house designed for the future residence of the President of the United St... See More
On the coronation of King Louis XVI...
Item #650591
April 13, 1793
MASSACHUSETTS MERCURY, Boston, April 13, 1793 Most of the ftpg is a recollection of the: "Ceremony of Consecrating & Crowning the Late King of France" in 1775, given that he was beheaded recently. The prefacing note begins: "The transition from the throne to the scaffold has been short..." with some details in the following issue.
Four pages, 8 3/4 by 10 12 inches, a... See More
Ad for the shortest woman in the world....
Item #217610
March 13, 1794
CALEDONIAN MERCURY, Edinburgh, Scotland, March 13, 1794 The front page has a notice announcing an exhibition of Anna Fontaine, The Wonderful Italian Lady described as the: "...shortest women in the world....She is only 28 inches high, 42 years of age, born without hands, arms, or legs, except stumps from her shoulders... Says she can walk unassisted, has three children", plus
... See More
Napoleon's famous "wiff of grapeshot" event: his notoriety begins...
Item #691033
October 13, 1795
KENTISH GAZETTE, Canterbury, England, Oct. 13, 1795
* Napoleon Bonaparte
* "a wiff of grapeshot" quote
* 13 Vendemiaire
* French Revolution
A handsome issue of the 18th century, with two decorative embellishments in the masthead & ornate lettering in the title.
Page 3 has a very descriptive account of the battle between the French Revolutionary troops and Royalist for... See More
A single sheet "Supplement" issue...
Item #694552
October 15, 1796
SUPPLEMENT TO CLAYPOOLE'S AMERICAN DAILY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Oct. 15, 1796 Occasionally newspapers would publish a "Supplement" to an issue to either provide space for advertisements or to report news that would not fit within the 4 page issue. This is one.
The front page begins with a: "Twenty-Dollars Reward" for a runaway: "...Negro servant lad..." ... See More
Much on politics...
Item #611816
February 27, 1797
AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, Feb. 27, 1797
* Early American title
All of pages 1 & 2 are taken up with: "Documents Which Accompanied the Message of the President...to Both Houses of Congress", continued from a previous issue. Page 3 has more on this, as well as: "War In India!"
Four pages, foxing at the folds, period notations at the very top. ... See More
Interesting embossed stamp at the top...
Item #694484
February 22, 1799
MASSACHUSETTS MERCURY, Boston, Feb. 22, 1799
* At the turn of the 19th century
An issue from the private collection which has an interesting, embossed stamp at the upper left corner, likely by a library. Also this issue is in great condition with untrimmed margins, once string bound.
Four pages, various news of the day with most of pages 3 and 4 taken up with advertisements. Very ni... See More
Castor Oil Manufacturing...
Item #203987
April 28, 1801
THE MERCURY AND NEW ENGLAND PALLADIUM, Boston, April 28, 1801 Page 2 report: "Castor Oil made in New York" describes the success of expressing oil from the seeds of the castor bean, mentioning that "...it is cold drawn and always fresher." Nice engraving of mercury in the masthead. Subscribers name in the blank area of the masthead, otherwise good.
Slave population...
Item #208596
October 13, 1801
MERCURY AND NEW ENGLAND PALLADIUM, Boston, Oct. 13, 1801 Brief item on pg. 2 says: "The slaves form about one sixth part of the population of the United States; and three fifths, the number represented in Congress, about one tenth." Bkpg. ad headed: Spermaceti and Whale Oil with details.
Ftpg. has some ink stains in the left margin, some foxing.
Handsome engraving in the masthead...
Item #153079
THE MERCURY & NEW ENGLAND PALLADIUM, 1802 A handsome issue from the early 19th century with a nice engraving of "Mercury" holding a scroll. Various news of the day plus many ads as well.Note that the photo is "generic" and the issue you get will not have this specific date but will have the format as shown. Measures 13 by 22 inches in four pages. Generally nice cond... See More
Displayable masthead... early 19th century...
Item #151335
NEW ENGLAND PALLADIUM, Boston, 1801-1802 A general "newsy" newspaper of the era with a nice woodcut of a soaring Mercury in the masthead. Some light foxing, untrimmed. Actual dates vary, but the issue will be similar in look and condition to that shown, and will date from 1801-1802.
Displayable masthead... early 19th century...
Item #649304
NEW ENGLAND PALLADIUM, Boston, 1801-1802 A typical "newsy" newspaper of the era with a nice woodcut of a soaring mercury in the masthead. Some light foxing, untrimmed. Actual dates vary, but the issue sent will be similar in look and condition to that shown, and will date from 1801-1802.
DeWitt Clinton...
Item #219906
February 23, 1802
* DeWitt Clinton
* Senate
* DeWitt Clinton
* Senate
A page 3 item says: "DeWitt Clinton, is appointed a member of the Senate...for the State of New York. A report states that the Chemical Society of Philadelphia has offered a medal for the best specimen of clay in the U.S. to be ...fit for the manufacture of potters ware....superior to...queens w
... See More
All is good under Jefferson's leadership...
Item #667578
March 04, 1802
AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, March 4, 1802 Page 2 has a letter from the President concerning the case of Capt. Levin Jones. Jefferson believed he should be cleared of the conviction against him. It is signed in type: Thomas Jefferson.
Page 3 has a report: "It is one year...since Mr. Jefferson was inducted into the office of President...No insurrections in the last 12 months--useless off... See More
Joseph Mckean Bowdoin College 1802....
Item #213833
September 10, 1802
* Joseph McKean
* 1st Bowdoin College President
* 1802 Original
Brief report on page 3: The Rev. Joseph McKean, was formally inducted into the office of Bowdoin College, on the 2d inst. The College Edifice is called Massachusetts Hall.
Other news of the day includes: "Fever At Philadelphia" "The Indians Becoming Tr
... See More
* Joseph McKean
* 1st Bowdoin College President
* 1802 Original
Brief report on page 3: The Rev. Joseph McKean, was formally inducted into the office of Bowdoin College, on the 2d inst. The College Edifice is called Massachusetts Hall.
Other news of the day includes: "Fever At Philadelphia" "The Indians Becoming Tr
Jefferson acknowledges an offer of military assistance...
Item #667516
February 12, 1807
AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, Feb. 12, 1807 The front page has a letter from the Ohio militia to the President, offering their services in light of the: "...hostile appearances of foreign troops on our lines & boundaries as a prelude to war...", specifically referring to Spain.
It is followed by a letter of acknowledgment from the President signed in type: Th. Jefferson.
Four p... See More
Unusual group obituary....
Item #623658
February 15, 1810
BOSTON GAZETTE, Feb. 15, 1810 Page 3 has a very unusual obituary prefaced with a statement that says: "Seldom have we had to record so melancholy a catastrophe as that which follows. To see our fine army of 2000 men reduced to nothing in so short a space of time, has cast a gloom over the people, who naturally ask, ‘What calamity is to assail us next?’ " After this is a... See More
The Hornet vs. the Peacock... Nine Acts of Congress signed by Madison...
Item #686209
March 31, 1813
AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, March 31, 1813
* USS Hornet vs. HMS Peacock
* War of 1812 original reporting
* President James Madison
Half of the front page is taken up with 5 Acts of Congress each signed in type by: James Madison. Five more on page 2 as well.
Page 3 has: "Fifth Naval Victory! Over the Enemy" which is the battle of the Hornet vs. the Peacock. Inclu... See More
1813 Jaguar ad...
Item #575855
August 17, 1813
THE AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, Connecticut, August 17, 1813
* Jaguar exhibition ad with woodcut print
* Nice masthead engraving
A handsome engraving of a heraldic eagle in the masthead (see) and with various news of the day and several advertisements including a illustrated ad on page 3 titled: "JAGUAR Or The American Tiger"
Complete in 4 pages, vario... See More
Fourteen Acts each signed by James Madison...
Item #686207
November 09, 1813
AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, Nov. 9, 1813 Nice heraldic eagle engraving in the masthead. The ftpg. has three Acts of Congress, each signed in type by the President: James Madison.
The Acts of Congress continue on page 2 with eleven more, each signed in type by: James Madison. One is for allowing the President to buy new furniture for the White House, and another is "To establish the tow... See More
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