America at War Collection

THE GREAT WAR COLLECTION - A great opportunity for an instant collection encompassing every American war (through the Gulf War). You get eleven original/authentic publications (9 being American newspapers), one each for: French & Indian War, Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, Korean WarVietnam War, and the Gulf War. Many additional issues from each war period are also available by clicking on any of the wars above. However, if you want a selection from each of the eleven wars mentioned, see below (if more than one set appears, they are all the same).

America at War Collection

<strong>THE GREAT WAR COLLECTION </strong>- A great opportunity for an instant collection encompassing every American war (through the Gulf War). You get eleven<strong>&nbsp;original/authentic publications (9 being American newspapers)</strong>, one each for:<em><strong> <a href="">French &amp; Indian War</a>, <a href="">Revolutionary War</a>, <a href="">War of 1812</a>, <a href="">Mexican War</a>, <a href="">Civil War</a>, <a href="">Spanish-American War</a>, <a href="">World War I</a>, <a href="">World War II</a>, <a href="">Korean War</a>,&nbsp;<a href="">Vietnam War</a></strong></em>, and the <a href=";q%5Bdate_range_start%5D=1991-01-01&amp;q%5Bquery%5D=%22Gulf+War%22&amp;q%5Bsearch_method%5D=All+Words"><em><strong>Gulf War</strong></em></a>. Many additional issues from each war period are also available by clicking on any of the wars above. However, if you want a selection from each of the eleven wars mentioned, see below (if more than one set appears, they are all the same).
Web Results (3)



America at war: The Great War Collection (eleven issues)...

Item #649249
THE GREAT WAR COLLECTION (11 issues) - A great opportunity for an instant collection encompassing every major "American" war from The French and Indian War through The Gulf War. You get eleven original/authentic publications (at least 9 being American newspapers), one each for:

French & Indian War, Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish-American War, World... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

This item is not eligible for free shipping.

Available Now


America at war: The Great War Collection (eleven issues)...

Item #604844
THE GREAT WAR COLLECTION (11 issues) - A great opportunity for an instant collection encompassing every major "American" war from The French and Indian War through The Gulf War. You get eleven original/authentic publications (at least 9 being American newspapers), one each for:

French & Indian War, Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish-American ... See More  

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

This item is not eligible for free shipping.

Available Now


America At War...

The Great War Collection (Eleven issues)...

Item #561531
THE GREAT WAR COLLECTION (11 issues) - A great opportunity for an instant collection encompassing every major "American" war from The French and Indian War through The Gulf War. You get eleven original/authentic publications (at least 9 being American newspapers), one each for:

French & Indian War, Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish-American ... See More  

Wholesale Lot: typically more than one item/set available!

This item is not eligible for free shipping.

Available Now

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