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Gov. Brownlow offers a reward for the captuure of the former governor...

Item # 706880

May 10, 1865


* Very rare Civil War title - closing events
* William Gannaway "Parson" Brownlow

W. G. Brownlow, or  Parson Brownlow, was a fascinating personality to say the least. He regarded anyone who disagreed with him about religion or politics as an enemy. The circuit-riding Methodist parson turned to the press to spread his harsh anti-Presbyterian, anti-Calvinist rhetoric, and to spread his fervently held views on the inferiority of blacks & his unalterable opposition to secession. In 1861 Brownlow’s criticism of the Confederacy led the government to shut down his newspapers for 2 years. In December, 1861, Brownlow was arrested on a charge of high treason against the Confederacy. He spent much of 1862 touring the North giving pro-Union lectures & when he returned to Knoxville in 1863 the federal government provided him with a press, some type, $1500, & a government printing contract (credit Wikipedia).
His first issue under the title noted was dated Nov. 11, 1863 but after just 2 issues it would be suspended until January 9, 1864, and then it would only last until February, 1866. Note that at the time of this printing Brownlow was also governor of Tennessee.
Among the many fascinating articles from shortly after the close of the Civil War are: "The End of Booth" which begins: "John Wilkes Booth has gone to his final account. His body now lies, stiff and stark, in the Capital, smeared with dirt and blood: his soul, not less attainted, has passed from the sphere of mortal life. In smoke and flame he perished..." with more (see). Also on the front page is: "The Abolition of Slavery in Tennessee".
Page 2 begins with a great item likely only to be found in a Tennessee newspaper, headed: "$5,000 Reward", being a proclamation by Governor Brownlow (and publisher of this newspaper) for the capture & delivery of the former governor of Tennessee, Isham G. Harris, governor until 1862 who was responsible for aligning the state with the Confederacy and taking it out of the Union. This is followed by a lengthy editorial signed by: Wm. G. Brownlow concerning Harris, noting: "The aforesaid refugee from justice, without the authority of low & in violation of all low...was the chief instrument in thrusting upon Tennessee this terrible rebellion..." with a description of him, and much more.
Four pages, light damp stain at the top, nice condition.
Complete in 4 pages, some minor tears at the spine, bit of light damp staining at the top, generally good condition.

Note: The link below will take you to a brief article posted in The Daily Southern Guardian, Columbia, SC, for February 17, 1862, written shortly after Brownlow's arrest. It clearly communicates the Confederacy's concern in regards to his newspaper.


Category: Yankee