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John Adams negotiates with the Dutch... Preparing for the final event at Yorktown...

Item # 704578

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October 09, 1781

THE CONNECTICUT COURANT & WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, Hartford, Oct. 9, 1781  The entire front page and a column on page 2 are taken up with: "A Memorial to their High Mightinesses, the States-General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries". It is signed in type by John Adams who was the American ambassador to the Netherlands, and being: "The subscriber has the honor to propose...concerning a treaty of amity and commerce..." that would give aid to the American cause, and acknowledge the independence of America by the Dutch.
Page 2 includes a report from Annapolis: "...that the Count de Grasse is returned to his former station at Cape Henry having driven the British fleet from the coast...".
Then there is some very nice & notable reports from Virginia on events in the Yorktown vicinity just a month prior to the surrender of Cornwallis. Nice strategic information on the position of troops & ships.
Then a letter from Camden, South Carolina which has some commentary on the situation with Col.Isaac Hayne, the American officer hanged by the British for a controversial charge. Than a prophetic statement: "That enemy to the human species, Cornwallis, is  now  in the toils & must inevitably in a short time undergo the  fate of Burgoyne...". And also: "...from General Greene's army...we learn that the British had evacuated their post at Orangeburgh..." with much more.
Four pages, ornate lettering in the masthead, very nice condition.

Category: Revolutionary War