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Confederate newspaper...Sherman advancing towards Columbia...

Item # 704498

November 01, 1864

THE DAILY SOUTHERN GUARDIAN, Columbia, South Carolina, Nov. 1, 1864  A rather rare title and great that it includes the word “Southern”.
The front page is mostly taken up with ads & military notices but the first 1 1/2 columns are taken up with letters of a military nature. More war reporting on page 2 with: "Frightful Carnage" "War News - From Richmond" "From the Valley--Sheridan Retreating" "From Hood's Army" "From Forrest" "From Virginia" "Amnesty" "The Yankees Buying and Selling Slaves - Slave Markets in Full Blast" and more.
Complete as a single sheet issue with very wide, untrimmed margins. A very small library stamp above the masthead, one discrete mend at the middle, nice condition.

Category: Confederate