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Robert Smalls leads fellow slaves to freedom... The USS Planter...

President Lincoln repeals General Hunter's order (no. 11), which had emancipated slaves...

Item # 704291

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May 24, 1862

NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, May 24, 1862  Page 2 begins with: "Gen. Hunter Overruled".  This concerns the controversial situation where Hunter pronounced slaves free in Florida, Georgia & South Carolina, previous to Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation
President Lincoln did not rescind Hunter's order because he was against emancipating the slaves. At the time, he simply believed the process should be a gradual one. He was also incensed that Gen. Hunter would make such an order without having first sought his approval.
Page 4 has a related article headed: "Gen. Hunter's Order". But of most significance is the page 7 report headed: "Gen. Hunter's Emancipation Order - Proclamation by the President Declaring it Null and Void" which includes the text of Hunter's order, signed by him: David Hunter; followed by the Proclamation by the President receding it, signed in type: Abraham Lincoln.
Being the weekly edition both Hunter's order and Lincoln's Proclamation rescinding it appear in the same issue. More typically they appeared in separate editions.
Additionally, this issue has much reporting from the Civil War, with a large map headed: "The Seat Of War In Eastern Virginia" found on page 6.
Eight pages, nice condition.

Category: Yankee