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The King declares Americans are free & independent...

Item # 703552

December 10, 1782

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Dec. 10, 1782

* American independence acknowledged
* By King George III of England (speech)
* Historic event that propelled U.S. freedom

Certainly the most notable content is that found on pages 2 & 3, the very historic speech by the King of England to his Parliament, dated Dec. 5, 1782.
In this notable speech the King declares that the Americans are free & independent people. Much can be seen in the photos but some of the more important portions include: "...I lost no time giving the necessary orders to prohibit the further prosecution of offensive war upon the continent of North America...I did not hesitate to go the full length of the powers vested in me & offered to declare them Free and Independent States, by an Article to be inserted in the Treaty of Peace. Provisional Articles are agreed upon, to take effect whenever Terms of Peace shall be finally settled with the Court of France..." and so much more, portions seen in the photos.
Great to have this pronouncement in a British newspaper, and just five days after its was given. It would not appear in American newspapers until 1783. It did not appear in London's popular 'Gentleman's Magazine' until the January issue.
The Provisional Articles of peace the king refers to would be the treaty signed in Paris just five days before the king's statement.
Eight pages, 8 3/4 by 11 1/2 inches, full red ink tax stamp on the back page.

Category: Revolutionary War