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The Boston Massacre: the definitive report in a London newspaper...
The Boston Massacre: the definitive report in a London newspaper...
Item # 703367
April 24, 1770
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 24, 1770
* The Boston Massacre
* Historic reporting
This is simply a terrific issue as it gives an excellent account of the Boston Massacre as taken from the "Boston Gazette" newspaper of March 12, 1770, the issue so famous that it was reprinted due to its excellent account of this, one of the most famous events of the 18th century, and a catalyst for action which would result in the Revolutionary War.
The report begins: "On the evening of Monday, being the 5th current, several soldiers of the 29th regiment were seen parading the streets with their drawn cutlasses & bayonets, abusing & wounding numbers of the inhabitants..." with further details concerning the provocations. Further on: "...The noise brought people together...John Hicks, a young lad, coming up knocked the soldier down...In less than a minute ten or twelve soldiers came out with drawn cutlasses, clubs & bayonets & set upon the unarmed boys...began to push and drive the people off, pricking some & threatening others; on which the people grew clamorous and, it is said, threw snowballs. On this the Captain commanded his men to fire & more snow-balls coming, he again said, D__n you, fire, be the consequence what it will! One soldier then fired...By this fatal manoeuvre, several were laid dead on the spot...The dead are Mr. Samuel Gray, killed on the spot. A mulatto man named Crisipus Attucks...Mr. James Caldwell...Mr. Samuel Maverick...A lad named Christopher Monk..." with more. See the photos for the full text.
Simply an excellent account of this event, and great to have the report in this famous London newspaper. This report and related reports take the entire page and a column on the facing page.
The back page has a few items concerning relations with England as well, one item noting: "It is now confidently reported that the American duty on tea will be repealed before the expiration of the present session, by which all the grievances complained of by the Colonies will be compleatly redressed."
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches, rubbing and some light dirtiness to some of the pages, but fortunately the page with the Boston Massacre content is in nice condition.
Category: Revolutionary War