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Edmund Halley (23 years old)... Significant issue on the Popish Plot...

Item # 702887

April 10, 1679

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, April 10, 1679 

* Early mention of Edmund Halley (he was only 23 years old)
* Popish Plot (to kill King Charles II)
The back page has not one but two items concerning the Popish Plot in England, a contrived conspiracy to accuse Catholic leaders of plotting to kill King Charles II.
A report from Dublin notes: "A Proclamation has been published...appointing a reward...to any person that shall...apprehend any Popish Dignitary or Jesuit..." with more. But the more notable report is a report from Whitehall dated April 9 concerning the 'trial of the five Catholic Lords', listing them by name and noting: "...prisoners in the Tower...articles of impeachment of High Treason & other high crimes & offences against the said Lords...many years last past been contrived and carried on by Papists, a trayterous...conspiracy & plot within the Kingdom of England...to alter and subvert the ancient government & laws of this Kingdom & to suppress the true religion...And for that end did most wickedly and trayterously agree and conspires to imprison, depose, and murder his sacred Majesty; and also to subject this Kingdom and nation to the Pope, and to his tyrannical government, etc." with more.
Also present is the mention of Edmund Halley (of Halley's Comet fame) - long before his famous "discovery". He was only 23 years old at the time.
Single sheet, 7 by 11 inches, very nice, clean condition.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's