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Battle of Shiloh... A Confederate report...

Item # 702871

April 09, 1862

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, April 9, 1862  

* Reporting on the Battle of Shiloh
* From the capital of the Confederacy

Page 3 begins with a very historic report headed: "The Great Victory In Tennessee" which reports on the Battle of Shiloh (or Pittsburg Landing) which begins: "Since the issue of our paper yesterday morning, we have received few additional particulars of the brilliant victory at Shiloh, in Tennessee, on Sunday. That it was a great and glorious struggle there is no room to doubt, & that our forces achieved one of the most important triumphs of the whole war is little less certain...." with the printing of a recent dispatch with a few new particulars: "Private dispatches to us say that we have gained the most complete victory of the war. We have driven the enemy to their transports. We have 5,000 prisoners..." and the report continues & includes: "...Our casualties in this fight are unquestionably heavy...".
Page 2 begins with a half column editorial headed: "The Victory at Shiloh" with much great content, including one bit: "...If this victory is gratifying and cheering to us, it must fill the heart of the enemy with mortification and despair...The news of this victory will change the face of things in Europe...Meantime, sons of the South! let us continue the glorious work to which we are now fully aroused..." with more.
There is also a great deal more reporting on the Civil War including items headed: "Sharpshooters" "Fort Macon" "The Battle of Sugar Creek" "Later News" "Mr. Janney has Not Taken the Lincoln Oath..." "From Alexandria" "The Captured at Kernstown" "General Shield's Account of the Battle of Kernstown" "Guerrilla Warfare--The Yankees In Nashville, Tenn." and more.
Four pages, very nice condition. Nice to have a Confederate report on Shiloh, and from the capital of the Confederacy.

Category: Confederate