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David Atchison: President for one day...

Item # 702082

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March 10, 1849

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 10, 1849  The first column of the front page has the reviews of six newspapers on "The Inaugural Address" of President Taylor, with many diverse comments. Also on the front page is a lengthy: "List of Cadet Appointments for 1849" listed by state, and includes "John Hood" from Kentucky, who would become a famous Confederate general.
Page 3 has a lengthy editorial on "President Taylor's Inaugural".
But  the most interesting report is also one of the shortest. Page 3 has a note: "President For A Day" which reports: "The Hon. David R. Atchison of Missouri, President of the Senate, was on Sunday last, by virtue of the office, President of the United States--for one day!".
This is one of the quirks of American history. David Rice Atchison has the singular honor of having served as U.S. President for one day. He was appointed to the U.S. Senate, and at age 36, was the youngest senator from Missouri up to that time. On March 4, 1849, General Zachary Taylor refused to be inaugurated because it was a Sunday. As President Pro Tempore, and therefore Acting Vice President under the presidential succession law in place at the time, Atchison was believed by some to be Acting President.  
It is very rare to find some acknowledgment of the event in a period newspaper, and great to have it in a newspaper from the nation's capital. 
Four pages, nice condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War