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Adolf Hitler is dead...

Item # 701838

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May 02, 1945

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, May 2, 1945  The banner headline announces: "HITLER DEAD, HAMBURG RADIO SAYS" as well as: "Admiral Karl Doenitz, Successor, to Carry On War" "Berlin Resistance Near Collapse; Third Army Sweeps On".
Also an interesting subhead: "Fuehrer Reported Victim of Battle" " 'This is a Lie', Asserts 'Ghost' Voice on Air; London Skeptical of Nazi Leader's Demise; Stroke Responsible, BBC Declares".
The report from Berlin includes: "...our Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler has fallen this afternoon in his command post at the Reichschancellery, fighting up to his last breath against Bolshevism...".
In reality, he committed suicide when the American & Soviet armies were descending upon Berlin. Much on inside pages concerning Hitler's life.
The complete first section (of 3) with pages 1-8. Two folds, some archival strengthening in inside pages, good condition.

Category: World War II