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New Orleans document for the sale of a woman slave...

Item # 701390

March 05, 1849

New Orleans slave sale document: A part-printed, part-handwritten document headed "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. State of Louisiana" for the sale of a slave.
The full text can be seen in the photos, however portions include: "...he does...grant, bargain sell, assign, convey, transfer and deliver...Unto Sean Nontanee...of this city...purchasing for himself, his heir and assigns, a negro woman named Mathilde, aged about twenty-five years, slave for life and the lawful property of the said Mrs. Gore, which said slave is free of a mortgage...the price and sum of six hundred dollars..." with more. It is dated March 5, 1849.
A four page document, 8 1/4 by 13 inches, loss to the bottom one-third of the blank spine has been archivally filled, otherwise in very nice condition.

Category: Documents & Broadsides