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Portrait of Admiral Daivd Farragut... Natural Bridge, Virginia... Caledonian Games - Jones' Woods...

Item # 699564

July 20, 1867

LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, July 20, 1867  Inside is a very nice full-page portrait: "Frank Leslie's National Portrait Gallery -- Admiral David Farragut". Another page has a large illustration: "Natural Bridge Over Cedar Creek, Virginia", which is the preceded by the related article, "Summer Rambles Through the Country - A Trip to Lynchburg, Va, via James River and Kanawha Canal", and includes several small woodcut illustrations of the region. The cover has an illustration and related text regarding the "International Caledonian Games At Jones' Wood, East River, N.Y."
Complete in 16 pages, loose at the spine, small library ink stamp above the masthead, otherwise very good. 

This is complete in 16 pages measuring approximately 11 x 16 inches, and is in good condition.

Category: Post-Civil War