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Cornwallis, the Marquis de la Fayette, & others...

Item # 698851

June 19, 1781


* Rare American Revolutionary War publication

Inside has a few items  relating to the Revolutionary War, including a bit noting: "...recommend unanimity, firmness and perseverance to the people of  the American states as the British ministry are straining every nerve to enable Generals Clinton and Cornwallis to act in the most offensive manner this campaign...letter...from the Marquis de la Fayette advises that Earl Cornwallis & his troops...had joined the British forces at or near  Petersburg."
Another report begins: "Count de Grass has returned from his pursuit of the enemy...The troops destined for the attack of St. Lucia are all embarked..." and more on actions in the Caribbean.
Yet another item begins: "Yesterday was a week since Cornwallis joined Arnold...at Petersburg...Their whole force consists of at least 6000 men...The Marquis de la Fayette evacuated Richmond last night & retreated to Winstone's bridge..." and other items.
Four pages, ornate lettering in the masthead, small piece from the right margin of back leaf affects no mentioned items, light damp staining & foxing.

Category: Revolutionary War