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Early and rare from Florida...

Item # 698095

July 01, 1848

THE FLORIDIAN, Tallahassee, Florida, July 1, 1848 

* Rare antebellum publication
* Pre Civil War South

Nineteenth century newspapers from Florida are uncommon, particularly those from before the Civil War. Here is such an issue from the capital city of Florida, three years before the Civil War.
The ftpg. has literary & other items including: "Biographical Sketch of General William O. Butler, Of Kentucky" and "The Democratic Platform". Inside pages have much on politics & other topics, including: "Millard Fillmore" "Fillmore And Slavery!" "Who Is Millard Fillmore?" "Slavery In Territories" "Latest from Mexico" "How Gen. Cass Received the News of his Nomination" and there is also a political ad supporting "Gen. Lewis Cass" for President of the United States.
Four pages, slightly irregular at the spine, very nice condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War