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The Civil War around Fredericksburg...

Item # 698088

April 22, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 22, 1863 

* Capital of the Confederacy

The front page has: "From Suffolk" "From Fredericksburg--The Object of Lincoln's Visit to the Army--The West Refuses to Furnish Another Man" "The Situation at Suffolk--From the Army About Fredericksburg..." "Speech of a Virginia Traitor--Carlile Before the New York Hustings" which includes many subheads including: "He Doesn't Believe in Conquering the South..." "Mr. Lincoln Not A Fool--The North Could & Can Still Settle This War..." with more.
The back page includes the always interesting editorial, which includes in part: "...the Northern government & people have arrived at the conclusion that operations on a large scale cannot be attempted in the present campaign, and the subjugation of the South must be postponed to autumn! This is the first time that they have been willing to admit that more than 90 days were necessary to crush out the rebellion..." with much more. Also on the back page is much reporting from the "Confederate Congress" "City Intelligence and other items.
Complete as a single sheet newspaper with a banner masthead, and in very nice condition.

Category: Confederate