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News from Hood's operations...

Item # 697662

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October 19, 1864

THE CHARLESTON MERCURY, South Carolina, Oct. 19, 1864

* Rare Confederate publication
* Origin of the American Civil War

Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "The News of Hood's Operations" "Letter from Richmond" "From the Valley - Camp near New Market" "Interesting from the North" "Mobile and Charleston" and more.
Some war items on the back page but mostly taken up with ads.
Complete as a single sheet issue, full banner masthead, small paper-flaw hole deters very little, nice condition. From the closing months of the Civil War.

Charleston was a hotbed of secession, with S.C. being the first state to leave the Union. The first shots of the war were fired in Charleston harbor. As a notable slave port, it is not surprising that South Carolina lead the charge in forming the new Confederate States of America.

Category: Confederate