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Investigating the 1919 World Series scandal...

Item # 697380

September 25, 1920

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 25, 1920  The top of the sports page has early column heads on this infamous "Black Sox" World Series scandal of 1919,
They include: "Grand Jury Hears World Series Plot" "Told How Former Player and Boxer 'Fixed' the White Sox-Red Series" "$100,000 Was 'to Be Paid" "Only $15,0900 Turned Over, it is Said, Because Boxer 'Held Out' on the Rest" "Gambler's Ring Organized" " 'Sure Things' Bets Paid in Many Cities--Grand Jury Foreman Tells Plans"
Complete in 28 pages, binding indents at the blank spine, very nice condition.

Category: The 20th Century