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The first train robbery in America...

Item # 697375

January 09, 1866

NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 9, 1866  

* First train robbery in America
* New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad

The top of the front page has nice headlines on: "The Railroad Robbery" with: "Over Half a Million Dollars Stolen from the Adams Express Company" "Escape of the Thieves" and "Interesting Particulars of the Crime".
What is notable is that most internet sources mention that the Reno brothers train robbery of October, 1866 was the very first train robbery in the United States, however "encyclopedia.com" gives the following details about this early robbery:
"Train Robberies were more frequent in the United States than anywhere else in the world in the latter half of the nineteenth century. Vast stretches of sparsely inhabited country permitted robbers to escape undetected; carelessness and lack of adequate security on trains also made robberies easier. The robbery of $700,000 from an Adams Express car on the New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad, the first train robbery on record, occurred in 1866. That same year, the four Reno brothers stole $13,000 in their first train holdup...".
This newspaper reports the various details of this January, 1866 robbery.
Eight pages, some wear at the vertical fold, generally very nice.

Category: Post-Civil War