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The "humble" beginnings of Stephen Girard...

Item # 697217

October 17, 1792

DUNLAP'S AMERICAN DAILY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Oct. 17, 1792  The front page features 21 illustrated ship ad making this a decorative issue. The ftpg. also has a small notice for the "Cincinnati of Pennsylvania" [The Society of Cincinnati] calling for a meeting of the standing committee.
The back page has an ad by Stephen Girard, for the sale of merchandise (including French Brandy).  This is the Stephen Girard of (eventual) banking fame, who is credited for having single-handedly saved the United States from bankruptcy during the War of 1812.  He helped finance the American Revolution and his foundation is most known for establishing Girard College.  Once known as the wealthiest man in America, he is considered one of the top ten wealthiest Americans to-date (adjusted for inflation).  This ad helps to illustrate his humble beginnings.
Page 2 includes a "Ten Dollars Reward" for a runaway German man servant, with details.
Four pages, folio size, nice condition.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's