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Negotiating terms for surrender in the Mexican War...

Item # 696952

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October 04, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 4, 1847  

* Final events of the Mexican War
* Negotiation terms for surrender

Fully half of page 2 is taken up with a wealth of reporting on the Mexican War, headed: "Late and Important From Mexico" "The Capture of the  City of Mexico--The Peace Propositions of Mr. Trist and the Counter Propositions of the Mexicans". Included is a letter signed in type by: Winfield Scott to Santa Anna, with his response signed in type: Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. A wealth of additional correspondence on the war as well.
Page 3 continues with much war reporting, most of the focus being on the terms to be negotiated for the surrender the first point being: "The independence of Texas shall be acknowledged upon consideration of an indemnification." and another being: "The evacuation of all of the Mexican Republic of which they are in occupation..." and then: "Upper California can be a subject of negotiation." and another 18 points.
Much more on the terms of surrender, too much to detail here.
Four pages, very nice condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War