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Rare Lincoln's assassination report, in a Washington, D.C. newspaper...

Item # 696929

April 15, 1865

EVENING STAR, Washington, D.C., April 15, 1865  

* Abraham Lincoln assassination (historic 1st report)
* It is BEST to have reports from the city where it occurred

Terrific to have this first report of Lincoln's assassination in a newspaper from the city where it happened. This is the first of this issue we have offered.
The top of the front page has a column with heads: "ASSASSINATION OF THE PRESIDENT" "Attempted Murder Of Secretary Seward And Sons". The report begins: "Last evening at 10:30 p.m., at Ford's Theatre, the President, while sitting in his private box with Mrs. Lincoln...was shot by an assassin who suddenly entered the box. He approached behind the president. The assassin then leaped upon the stage...and made his escape by the rear of the theater. The pistol ball entered the back of the President's head. The wound is mortal. The President has been insensible ever since it was inflicted, and is now dying..." with much more detail.
Then another dispatch from 1 1/2 hours later begins: "The President still breathes but is quite insensible...He evidently did not see the person who shot him..." with more.
There are then several more reports with additional details, and the news reports carry over to pages 2 & 3 with much more information. One report is headed: "The Death of The President" which begins: "At 22 minutes past seven o'clock the President breathed his last, closing his eyes as if going to sleep..." with much more detail, including an unusual minute-by-minute report of his condition up to the moment of death.
Other reports are headed: "Additional Details Of The Assassination" "Inauguration of Andrew Johnson As President of the United States!" "The Assassination of President Lincoln" "The Assassination - The Latest Particulars" which includes a "...diagram of the fatal ball that killed Mrs. Lincoln, taken from actual measurement showing its exact dimensions...".
Of special note: This newspaper, published at the corner of Pennsylvania Ave. and 11th Street, was just 1 1/2 blocks from Ford's Theatre!
Also on the front page is a small advertisement reading: "Ford's New Theater - Tenth St. above Pennsylvania Ave. There Will Be No Performance At This Theater To Night."
Of wealth of more content than what is noted here, not surprising since this issue was published in Washington, D.C.
Complete in 4 pages, weakness near the center of both leaves  causes loss of a few words, various minor tears at the spine and other margins, a few small archival mends. Never bound nor trimmed.

Category: Yankee