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Maryland resolves for peace, but only if independence is assured...

Item # 696918

August 01, 1782

THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, August, 1782 

* American Revolutionary War
* Maryland for peace

Under: "American Affairs" is a report from Annapolis which includes: "...announcing the arrival of Sir Guy Carleton at New York as a commissioner for making peace or war in North America...to enable the King of Great Britain to conclude a peace or truce with the United States (by the appellation of the revolted colonies) being laid before the House and read..." followed by a Resolve from the Maryland House of Delegates agreeing to the need for negotiations for peace, and that: "...will exert the power of the state to enable Congress to prosecute the war until Great Britain renounce all claim of sovereignty over the United States...and until their independence be formally or tacitly assured...".
One of the two plates called for is present.
Complete in 48 pages, 5 1/4 by 8 1/4 inches, very nice condition.

Formatted very much like the Gentleman's Magazine but a much more scarce title. The title/contents page features a great engraving of the skyline of London.

Category: Revolutionary War