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Great news from the Mexican War... Four slave-related ads from this leading slave import city...

Item # 695246

August 12, 1847

THE CHARLESTON COURIER, South Carolina, Aug. 12, 1847  In 14 years this city would be the hotbed for secession from the Union, not surprising given it was the largest American point of disembarkation for the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
Page 2 has a great wealth of reporting from the Mexican War, including historic reports on General Scott having come to the gates of Mexico City, one of the major American victories in the war.
Page 3 has four slave-related ads, one headed: "Wanted To Purchase, a first rate Seamstress..." and another headed: "For Sale--Land, Negroes and Stock of All Kinds..." with further details. The other two are runaway reward ads." each having various particulars. The ads are shown in the photos.
Four pages, archival strengthening across the central fold on pages 2 & 3, nice condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War