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Great on Jefferson & the Burr Conspiracy... A very rare title...

Item # 695008

February 07, 1807

THE FRIEND, Salem, Massachusetts, Feb. 7, 1807  

* Very rare short-lived publication
* Aaron Burr conspiracy - Thomas Jefferson

A very rare title as it only existed for 29 issues, from Jan. 3 thru July 18, 1807. This is the number 6 issue. Only 5 American institutions have any holdings of this title, two of which have just a single issue.
A fine issue on the Burr Conspiracy, as any number of websites can be found with the full text of this special message to Congress from the President, in which he discloses to them full details of the conspiracy and his intent to prosecute Aaron Burr.
This "Message" takes over half of page 2 & is signed in type: Th. Jefferson.
The Burr Conspiracy was a suspected treasonous plot of Americans, led by Aaron Burr, the former Vice President. According to the accusations, his goal was to create an independent country in the center of North America including the Southwestern United States and parts of Mexico.
President Thomas Jefferson ordered Burr arrested and indicted for treason despite a lack of firm evidence. Burr's true intentions remain unclear to historians; some claim that he intended to take parts of Texas and the Louisiana Purchase for himself, others, that he intended to conquer Mexico, and yet others, that he planned to conquer most of the North American continent.

Category: Pre-Civil War