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Great column heads announcing Lincoln's election...

Item # 694593

November 09, 1864


* Abraham Lincoln elected president (2nd term)
* 1st report plus Civil War reporting

Certainly the most notable content would be the back page column heads on the election of Lincoln as President.
The second column has perhaps the nicest stack of heads on the election we have seen in any newspaper. They include: "PRESIDENTIAL And State ELECTIONS" "The Union Cause Everywhere Triumphant" "ABRAHAM LINCOLN Re-Elected PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES" "Copperheadism Crushed Out" "A Glorious Victory All Round" with a wealth of charts of various cities and counties on the election results.
The last column of the back page has; "LATER RETURNS" "The West A Unit For Lincoln" "Great Majorities All Round" "McClellan Probably Carried but two States--Kentucky and New Jersey".
The first column of the bkpg. has a lengthy editorial: "The Presidential Election" which begins: "Our column of returns to-day is eloquent with the voice of the American people passing their judgment upon their own destiny, deciding to live rather than to perish, and to employ the rational means of life...The administration of Abraham Lincoln is simply endorsed..." and more.
Four pages, large folio size, tape mend at the top of page 2, good condition. The folder size noted is for the issue folded in half.

Category: The Civil War