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From Maine, before statehood... Jefferson, Aaron Burr...

Item # 694504

November 02, 1807


* Early 19th century Northern New England
* Aaron Burr trial - Thomas Jefferson

At this time Maine was part of Massachusetts, not becoming a state until 1820 as part of the Missouri Compromise. So this issue is from 13 years before statehood.
Page 2 has most of a column on: "Col. Burr's Trial" for High Treason glints the United States. Then a brief item on: "Trial of Com. Barron". He was charged with: negligently performing the duty assigned him; neglecting, on the probability of an engagement, to clear ship for action; failing to encourage in his own person his inferior officers and men to fight courageously; not doing his utmost to take or destroy the Leopard, which vessel it was his duty to encounter.
Page 3 also has: "A Proclamation" signed in type by the President: Th. Jefferson, offering a full pardon to those who deserted the military if they surrender themselves within 4 months.

Category: Pre-Civil War