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General Forbes is about to conquer Fort Duquesne...

Item # 694035

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January 11, 1759

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, January 11, 1759  

* Battle of Fort Duquesne
* Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
* General John Forbes
* French and Indian War

The back page begins with a report noting in part: "... letter from...Philadelphia...informed that letters were received...from General Forbes dated Nov. 22, advising that he was then within 18 miles of fort DuQuesne, which he proposed to invest in six or seven days; and made no doubt of being soon master of art as he had between four and 5000 men with him, and the garrison consisted of about 500 only, in want of many necessaries for making an obstinate defence."
Eight pages, 8 by 10 3/4 inches, very nice condition.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's