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Frederick Stump and his murderous rampage upon ten Indians...
Frederick Stump and his murderous rampage upon ten Indians...
Item # 692942
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April 12, 1768
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 12, 1768
* Frederick Stump's Run Massacre
* Native Americans - Indians killed
* Middleburg, Snyder County, Pennsylvania
Page 6, under: "America" has a report from Boston which is in reaction to the hated Townshend Acts of this year: "Millstones & grindstones equal if not superior to British are now to be had among ourselves in such quantities as will discourage any import of the latter..." with more. Americans aim to be more independent of British imports.
Then a letter from Philadelphia concerning: "...the late murders committed on ten Indians...the perpetrators of those horrid barbarities have been rescued from prison since this talk was transmitted..." followed by a letter from Juanita beginning; "Brothers of the Six Nations, Delawares, and other inhabitants of the west branch of Susquehanna, hear what I have to say to you...I have to inform you that Frederick Stump and John Ironcuter have unadvisedly murdered ten of our friend Indians near Fort Augusta...". This is a rather well-known event in Pennsylvania history, details of which are found on the internet.
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice condition.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's