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A patriotic plea, and much more...

Item # 692922

March 01, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 1, 1768  Page 2 has a report headed "America" noting: "Letters from Pensacola's...say 'The island & city of New Orleans are still to all appearance under no particular government. The French and Spaniards seem to share it...' " and a bit more. Also on page 2 is a report from New York with sundry items.
Page 6 has a report from New York concerning the approval of several Acts, several focused on the restrictive trade & duty situation from the Townshend Act era. Another item, from Virginia, notes: "... that a number of Negroes...had lately conspired t poison their overseers... that some of the Negroes have been taken up, four of whom were executed... after which their heads were cut off & fixed on the chimneys of the Court house; & it was expected that four more would soon meet with the same fate."
Then a report that the governor is offering a reward: "...who shall l discover the author of the following seditious paper..." which mentions in part: "Whereas a glorious stand for Liberty did appear in the resentments shown to a set of mistreats under the name of Stamp Masters in the year 1765...that a set of gentry, called Commissioners...whose odious business is of a similar nature may soon make their appearance amongst us in order to execute their detestable office. It is therefore hoped that every votary of that celestial Goddess Liberty will hold themselves in readiness to give them a proper welcome: Rouse, my Countrymen, Rouse!"
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice condition.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's