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Loyalist ball at the capitol at Williamsburg, full of patriotic spirit...

Item # 692872

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April 19, 1770

LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 19, 1770  

* Pre Revolutionary War
* Loyalists in America

The back page has an: "Extract of a Letter from Williamsburg, (in Virginia)" which is a report of a lavish ball there: "...at the capitol for the entertainment of his Excellency Lord Botetourt; & the same patriotic spirit which gave rise to the association of the gentleman on a late event was most agreeably manifested in the dress of the ladies...who, to the number of near 100, appeared in homespun gowns; a lively & striking instance of their acquiescence & concurrence in whatever may be the true & essential intent of their country...".
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice condition.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's