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A woman gold miner... Harshness of California life...
A woman gold miner... Harshness of California life...
Item # 692461
December 18, 1849
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 18, 1849 Page 3 has an interesting letter headed: "California Items" concerning: "The only white woman that I have seen in the mines...came here from Calcutta...dresses in trousers & wears a thin hat & red shirt as most of the miners do...Failing in business & becoming poor, he determined to dig a fortune out of the earth in California & the wife, true to her companion, only consented when he promised she should accompany him...one of the many romantic incidents that a life in the gold-diggings of California from time to time develops."
Yet another letter from the gold region includes: "All is not gold that glitters...traveled 700 miles on foot without shoes---have crossed deserts...took us 57 days to travel 1500 miles. Many have come out here expecting to get rich in a few days...a man has to work hard to get it...My advice is, when a man is doing well enough, to let well enough alone..." and more interesting comments on the harshness of life in the gold fields.
Four pages, very nice condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War