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Lincoln accepts the Republican nomination for President... The slave ship Wildfire...

Item # 691360

May 22, 1860

NEW-YORK TIMES, May 22, 1860

* Abraham Lincoln accepts presidential nomination
* Republican National Convention in Chicago

Page 4 has a report with column heads: "The Republican Candidate for the Presidency" "Hon. Abram Lincoln Accepts The Chicago Nomination"  being a very historic item although inconspicuously reported, indicating the the lack of stature of Lincoln at the time. Even his first name was not commonly known ("Abram"). Included is Lincoln's letter of acceptance which includes: "...my profoundest thanks for the honor done me which you formally announce. Deeply and even painfully sensible of the great responsibility which is inseparable from that honor..." and more (see).
Also inside is: "The Slaver Wildfire" which is a lengthy letter from the President concerning this slave ship (see) signed by him in type: James Buchanan. This was an infamous slave ship, a print of which appears in the June 2, 1860 issue of Harper's Weekly.
Eight pages, a bit irregular at the blank spine margin, nice condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War