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1919 World Series "fixing" scandal is revealed to the public...

Item # 690811

September 28, 1920

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 28, 1920 

* Chicago White "Black" Sox
* World Series Scandal breaks

The scandal of the 1919 "Black Sox" World Series did not break to the public until just now, covered in this newspaper with front page column heads: "NEW WITNESS TELLS OF BASEBALL PLOT" "Maharg, Ex-Pugilist, also charges That Last World's Series Was 'Fixed' " "Accuses Eddie Cicotte" "Comiskey Gets Story and Offers Maharg $10,000 For Proof".
The article begins: "President Charles  Comiskey of the Chicago American League club tonight received word that Billy Maharg, former boxer and a business partner of Bill Burns, ex-major league pitcher, had told newspaper men in Phila. that White Sox players approached him before the world series last year and told him it had been 'fixed' for Cincinnati to win..." with much more, all taking a full column. 
Great to have this report in the venerable New York Times.
Complete in 32 pages, binding indents at the spine do not affect any mentioned text, otherwise good condition.

Category: The 20th Century