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A shot across the bow of Uncle Tom's Cabin... President Fillmore's S.O.U. Address...
A shot across the bow of Uncle Tom's Cabin... President Fillmore's S.O.U. Address...
Item # 690326
December 09, 1852
NEW YORK OBSERVER, December 9, 1852
* re: Uncle Tom's Cabin
* Among the earliest of literary responses (same year)
* State of the Union Address - President Millard Fillmore
Pages 6 and 7 have the entire text of President Millard Fillmore's State of the Union Address, signed in block type, MILLARD FILLMORE. The text, in part, includes: "Besides affording to our own citizens a degree of prosperity of which on so large a scale I know of no other instance, our country is annually affording a refuge and a home to multitudes, altogether without example, from the Old World. We owe these blessings, under Heaven, to the happy Constitution and Government which were bequeathed to us by our fathers, and which it is our sacred duty to transmit in all their integrity to our children."
Also present is a review of "FRANK FREEMAN"S BARBER SHOP; a tale by Rev. Baynard R. Hall, D.D.," it being one of the earliest critical literary responses to Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. It includes: "It is designed to show the false philanthropy, the intense hypocrisy, and exceeding wickedness if that class of fanatics who seek to excite rebellion among slaves...".
Other news of the day, both religious and secular, is found throughout.
Eight pages, complete, and in very good condition.
Note: The New York Observer, generally considered a religious-themed publication, was formatted such that 4 pages were dedicated to religious topics, and another 4 pages were focused on secular items.
Category: Pre-Civil War