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Presidential candidates... The 1820 census...

Item # 689391

January 26, 1822

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, January 26, 1822  Inside the issue is a report headed: "Next President" which gives some discussion to potential candidates for the office, which include John Quincy Adams, John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay, De Witt Clinton among others. Also noted is that it is: "...Pretty work for eight dollars a day!"
Also included is a full page chart headed: "Synoptical Table of the Fourth Census" state-by-state with much details, including columns for slaves, and free people of color. Also an article: "Navigation of the Mississippi" which is a letter signed in type by: James Madison.  Two other letters signed by Madison, one to Thomas Jefferson dated 1780.
Sixteen pages, 6 by 9 1/2 inches, nice condition.

As noted in Wikipedia, this title: "...(was) one of the most widely-circulated magazines in the United States...Devoted primarily to politics...considered an important source for the history of the period."

Category: Pre-Civil War