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IBM's "Deep Blue" defeats world chess champion, Garry Kasparov...

Item # 688386

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May 12, 1997


* AI takes a giant leap forward
* IBM's supercomputer "Deep Blue" defeats Garry Kasparov
* First computer victory in match vs. a world chess champion

The front-page has the historic reporting of the 1st time a computer defeated a world chess champion in chess: "It's Kasparov Who's Blue After Defeat", with subheading: "World champion accuses IBM of targeting him after he loses $1.1-million match to computer, with a corresponding photo showing Kasparov with his head buried in in hands. The article continues on an inside page. Nice to have such a notable event in a major-city newspaper.
All major sections are included and are in good condition.
Note: This event was covered in the documentary: Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine

Category: The 20th Century