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Lincoln's Proclamation to deserters...

Item # 688079

March 11, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, March 11, 1865

* Abraham Lincoln proclamation to deserters
* General William T. Sherman Southern march
* Final month of the Civil War

Among the front page Civil War column heads are: "SHERMAN'S CAMPAIGN" "Important Reports From New Bern" "Fayetteville Said to be in Possession of Our Forces" "Sherman's Advance within Forty Miles of Raleigh" "His Presence Welcomed by the People" "The Negroes Flocking in Great Numbers to Join His Army" and more.
Also on the front page is: "Important To Deserters" "Proclamation By the President" "Deserters Notified to Return to Duty--Sixty Days Grace Allowed" with the full text of the "Proclamation" signed in type: Abraham Lincoln.
Eight pages, nice condition.

Category: Yankee