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Washington agrees to help establish a military force... Much on the end of the war...

Item # 687373

September 18, 1783


* General George Washington
* United States military force
* Revolutionary War ending events

A nice feature of the masthead is a great engraving taken from (modeled after) one done earlier by Paul Revere, showing a patriot soldier with a sword in one hand and a scroll reading "Independence" in the other.
The most notable content is a great page 3 letter from Congress, to General Washington thanking him for his service in leading the army in the Revolutionary War & asking him to be involved in: "...forming the arrangements which will be necessary for her in the time of peace..." and asking him to attend Congress for this purpose. This is followed by Washington's reply which includes: "...I cannot hesitate to contribute my best endeaours towards the establishment of the national security in whatever manner the sovereign power may think proper to direct, until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace, or the final evacuation of our country by the British forces; after either of which events, I shall ask permission to retire to the peaceful shade of private life..." with more.
Page 2 has an item noting: "The Americans being as were unexpectedly, arrived at what once was the sum of all their wishes, they begin to think nothing impracticable to them. They are to raise vast funds, build cities, equip fleets; in short, in this state of intoxication, every obstacle is but a step...they would do well to recollect how many eyes are upon them to watch their growing greatness...".
Page 3 has 1 1/2 columns taken up with: "By the United States in Congress Assembled, Aug. 7, 1783. Resolved unanimously, then states being present, that an equestrian statue of General Washington be erected at the place where the residence of Congress shall be established..." with considerable detail. In reality this statue would not be completed until 1860. Also on page 3 is a bit: "...arrived there in 19 days from England...informed a passenger...that the Definitive Treaty was certainly signed on the 22nd of July."  Also: "...that Sir Guy Carleton has given an order that the troops composing the garrison of New York are to hold themselves in readiness to embark the 10th day of October next...". And an article about the Loyalist refugees in Nova Scotia "...being in great distress..." with more. More on this as well.
The back page has a notice of an auction to be held for the sale of the "Continental Frigate Hague", previously known as the USS Deane.
Four pages, never-trimmed margins, in very nice, clean condition.

Category: Revolutionary War