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President Washington's state-of-the-union address...

Item # 686595 THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, December, 1790  

* President George Washington
* 2nd State of the Union Address

Certainly the most notable content is the 1 1/2 pages taken up with: "President Washington's Speech" which was his second state-of-the-union address, signed by him in type: George Washington
The balance of the issue is taken up with a wide range of eclectic articles as noted in the title/contents page. Among the articles are: "Account of the Moravian Settlement at Bethlehem in Pennsylvania" which takes over a full page; "The Family Economy & Employments of the Gypsies" "Chinese Letter" "Classical Allusions to America Considered" "On Evil Invisible Beings" "Geographical Description of Bachelor's Island" "Curious Particulars Concerning the Inhabitants of the Island of Sumatra" "Remarks on the English Language, by Noah Webster" and much more.
Other fine news content as well including a report of the erection of the: "Column on Beacon Hill" with details, and a letter concerning the death of Ben Franklin.
Included is the full page plate called for (rarely found) captioned: "Bird Catching at Orkney" with the first article in the issue relating to it.
Complete in 68 pages, various foxing, nice condition.

Eighteenth century American magazines are increasingly scarce in today's market. This title was published by the famed Isaiah Thomas, the patriot printer from the Revolutionary War & founder of the American Antiquarian Society.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's