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Published by the famed Isaiah Thomas...
Published by the famed Isaiah Thomas...
Item # 685560 THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, March, 1793
* 18th century American magazine
* Publisher Isaiah Thomas
Articles within include: "Notices of Celebrated Females" "Sketch of Lady Jane Grey" "Indian Brutality - Contest Between A Mohawk & Chippeway" "A Short Account of Aotourou, a Native of Otaheitee [Tahiti]" "General Character of the Indians" & more.
Poems include: "The President's Birthday Ode" "To the President" "Stanzas to Marie Antoinette".
Near the back, the news reports include over a full page on the trial of Louis XVI. At the back is "Domestick Occurrences" with news from America.
The plate called for is lacking.
Complete in 64 pages full title/contents page, 5 1/4 by 8 1/4 inches, great condition.
Eighteenth century American magazines are increasingly scarce in today's market. This title was published by the famed Isaiah Thomas, the patriot printer from the Revolutionary War & founder of the American Antiquarian Society.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's