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The Gettysburg Address on the front page... One of the very best...

Item # 684899

November 20, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 20, 1863 

* President Abraham Lincoln
* Gettysburg Address at battlefield cemetery

It would be difficult to argue for a more notable or desirable newspaper from the Civil War. Combine the complete text of the historic Gettysburg Address by President Abraham Lincoln, with this venerable title, with the content being on the front page, and the combination makes for one of the best newspapers one could own from the Civil War era.
The front page coverage of "The Heroes Of July" "A Solemn and Imposing Event" "Dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburgh" and more takes over a full column, including a complete printing of "The President's Address", now known as the Gettysburg Address.
Lincoln's speech was not the focus of the day as Edward Everett was the primary speaker (his lengthy speech consumes all of page 2 & a bit of page 3), but it would be the President's 2 minute, 272 word address that would go down in history as perhaps the most memorable speech of any President. His words are headed: "President Lincoln's Address" and begins: "The President then delivered the following dedicatory speech: Fore score and seven years ago our Fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation..." with more.
Not all newspapers of that time printed Lincoln's speech, and those that did rarely printed the text on the front page.
Note: a recent Sotheby's sale of the N.Y. Tribune with this content sold for over $10,000.
Complete in 8 pages, evenly toned, very nice condition.
A newspaper for the very best of collections.

Category: Yankee