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On the first of the seven Lincoln Douglas debates...
On the first of the seven Lincoln Douglas debates...
Item # 684386
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August 26, 1858
NEW YORK TIMES, August 26, 1858 Reports of the now-famous Lincoln Douglas debates are very difficult to find in newspapers outside of Illinois, perhaps not surprising because it was a senate race in Illinois and Lincoln was, at this time, still a relatively unknown figure in American politics.
However this issue is a rare exception, as page 5 contains a report headed: "Douglas and Lincoln at Ottawa--Personal Reminiscences" which begins: "Messrs. Douglas and Lincoln had a grand tilt at Ottawa, Ill., last week. Mr. Douglas' speech contained this amusing passage:..." and what follows is an excerpt of a Douglas' speech.
This was the first of the 7 debates, held on August 21. This is the only text of any of the debates which appeared in the N.Y. Times.
Eight pages, very nice, clean condition.
However this issue is a rare exception, as page 5 contains a report headed: "Douglas and Lincoln at Ottawa--Personal Reminiscences" which begins: "Messrs. Douglas and Lincoln had a grand tilt at Ottawa, Ill., last week. Mr. Douglas' speech contained this amusing passage:..." and what follows is an excerpt of a Douglas' speech.
This was the first of the 7 debates, held on August 21. This is the only text of any of the debates which appeared in the N.Y. Times.
Eight pages, very nice, clean condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War