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Nice letter from the Pike's Peak Gold Rush...

Item # 683849

September 25, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 25, 1858  

* Pike's Peak gold rush
* Kansas Territory boom

Page 3 has a detailed article headed: "The Kansas Gold Region", which we now call the Pike's Peak Gold Rush. At the time Pike's Peak was in the Western Kansas Territory, the Colorado Territory not being formed until 1861. 
The report includes a letter which mentions near the beginning; "...The excitement witch I predicted more than a month ago is now at its height...men can make from the to fifty dollars a day, ought to cause a stampede from a country where money brings five per cent a month..." with much more.
Four pages, nice condition. The folder size noted is for the issue folded in half.

Category: Pre-Civil War