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Definitive proof of Einstein's theory of relativity... 'Epoch making'...
Definitive proof of Einstein's theory of relativity... 'Epoch making'...
Item # 683772
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November 09, 1919
NEW YORK TIMES, November 9, 1919
* Very early Albert Einstein
* Theory of Relativity proved
Page 6 begins with an article which, in scientific circles, is definitive proof of Einstein's theory of relativity.
As background, in 1916 Albert Einstein published his general theory of relativity in full mathematical detail. That opened the window on a radically new framework for physics, abolishing established notions of space and time and replacing Newton’s formulation of the laws of gravity. Einstein’s revolution was to change the course of science; but in the years immediately after publication, there was no definitive observational evidence that his theory was correct.
But an eclipse in 1919 gave opportunity to prove it. By harnessing a total solar eclipse scientists argued that the bending of light by the sun’s gravity could be measured. This was a critical test, because Einstein’s theory predicted a deflection precisely twice the value obtained using Isaac Newton’s law of universal gravitation. The observations proved Einstein's theory correct.
The column heads on page 6: "ECLIPSE SHOWED GRAVITY VARIATION" "Diversion of Light Rays Accepted as Affecting Newton's Principles" "Hailed As Epochmaking" "British Scientist Calls the Discovery One of the Greatest of Human Achievements". The photos show the full text of the article.
Complete 1st section only with 24 pages, light toning and a little wear at the margins, irregular along the spine, generally good. Should be handled with care.
Category: The 20th Century