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First election of Abraham Lincoln...

Item # 683568

November 07, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 7, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln's 1st election
* Best publication to be had ?

Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.
Page 3 has a report headed: "The Presidential Election" which begins: "As it has been currently supposed within the last few weeks that the issue of the Presidential election, which took place yesterday, would mainly depend on the vote of the state of New York..." and ending with: "...it would seem, from the purport of these returns, that Mr. Lincoln has in all probability carried the state & that his election to the Presidency is thereby ensured."
This report is followed by partial election reports from Mass., Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, and 12 other states, some showing the success of Lincoln, others, mostly Southern states, showing favor for Breckinridge.
The front page has a small ad promoting the sale of a book: "Hon. Abraham Lincoln - The Life & Public Services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln ..." by a local book merchant on Pennsylvania Ave.
Complete in four pages, large folio size, water staining at the blank spine, good condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War