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Great Battle of Gettysburg issue, and in the New York Times...

Item # 683415

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July 06, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, July 6, 1863 

* Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
* Most historic battle of the Civil War

* Great reporting - one of the best to be had

This is one of the better issues on the Battle of Gettysburg, as half of the first column is taken up with a stack of heads on the end of the great and decisive battle.
Heads include: "THE GREAT BATTLES" "Splendid Triumph of the Army of the Potomac" "Route of Lee's Forces on Friday" "The Most Terrible Struggle of the War" "Tremendous Artillery Duel" "Repeated Charges of the Rebel Columns Upon Our Position" "Every Charge Repulsed with Great Slaughter" "The Death of Longstreet & Hill" "Our Cavalry Active on the Enemy's Flank" "The Rebel Retreat Cut Off" "Chambersburgh in Our Possession" "The Contents of the Captured Dispatches form Jeff. Davis to Lee" and even more.
The balance of the front page is taken up with details of the Battle of Gettysburg including a dispatch signed by: A. Lincoln; and several dispatches on the victory signed in type by: George G. Meade. This coverage carries over to take nearly half of the back page.
Complete in 8 pages, a bit irregular at the blank spine from disbinding, a hint of damp staining to the right margin, very nice condition.

Category: Yankee