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Taylor is 'decidedly better' on the day he died... Treaty with England...

Item # 682926

July 09, 1850

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 9, 1850  Keeping in mind that this was the day President Zachary Taylor died, the top of page 3 has a notable report headed: "The President's Health" which includes: "...that his illness had assumed a very serious, and critical aspect...in the afternoon however the symptoms became less menacing & the President was thought by his physicians to be decidedly better...".
Page 2 begins with the full printing of the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty with England, in which the two countries agree not to colonize Central America.
Great to have these reports in this newspaper which was the unofficial mouthpiece of the federal government.
Four pages, very nice condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War